I may have said last week I was starting on ep. 5. Turns out I never got around to it, but I did now. All I have done at the moment was the menu and the background for the 1st scene.
What made me take so long to start was me trying to get a new flash maker called "Flash CS4". It allows extra stuff like new V-cam controls, and slpit screen, but each time I try to download it, something makes my internet go out, and I have to wait another 2 days to try it again.
This happened 3 times, and that means 6 days lost, so ill just start making the show on the program I already have.
In other news (as the name says) it's July once again, and my B-day is on the 27th. I'm pretty sure I won't get anything, and nothing happens when you turn 19, but It is still nice to ask to do some fishing like I do every year.
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