More things happening at the same time that I have to figure out.
First I got a dog a few weeks ago. (her name is choca, and looks like the dog off that movie the mask.)
I also been working on my M.u.g.e.n chars along with this new program I heard about called "OpenBOR". think of it as playing streets of rage or any "Beat-em-up" game you know, but useing any person from any game you want.
Of corse we cant forget about GBA too. I found out what games to use and If I mess up I got ones to fall back on. I will not say what ones I chosen, but the names of the ideas' givers will be listed on the credits menu. Who knows? If I have any more space I can fill it with easter egg clips of other games they could have gone in.
On lighter news, a new libary came near where I live. so I can get a drive there sometimes to get songs and upload stuff. My brother is even trying to get "Sonic Generations" since skyrelm has not came out yet. but I prefer he used the money to save up for a computer, so I can do more on my stuff, and avoid all this travel time.
Anyways since my other folks are working and leaveing me here to dog-sit allmost every day, and my sister, along with my nefu coming this month. I once again got alot on my plate.
I best get started now...
Choca? What a unique name. Does he look like the dog b4 or after he puts the mask on? :P
Make sure you have space for my name. I DID suggest Pac-Man World and Mario Kart after all, if you're gonna use em. :P
I'm tryin to get Sonic Generations too, but I'm low on money. Darn.....
A lot on that plate, huh? Make sure you eat all those problems and make sure there aren't any scraps left. If there are, feed those to Choca. :P
Good advice. Ill keep it in mind.