AAARGG!!! once again another computer falls to my destructive peoples. This time it was due to my aunt doing something on her Facebook and then turning it off when the screen froze. now once again im computerless with no hope of doing anything. Whats worse is since i only got like 4 more days of school left i cant do anything there.
Well it looks like im boned again, with little to no hope of getting another computer again. If things dont look up any time soon ill just give all the work i did so far and give it to somebody for them to finish...
Well i got some grief to let out so ill see you when i see you...
I know exactly how you feel. everytime i try to upload something to Youtube the Internet blanks out for 1 SECOND and the whole upload stops dead and this 1 file took about 4 hours to upload so i had to try about 20 times and EACH time the internet went out or my cousins opened another tab with a big file and it stopped the upload.
Lucky you that you HAVE a computer to retry on, im sunk here.