Now I know why that one person stop making the flash, Im taking alot longer then I wanted to makeing this, and even though my recording sucks I would rather use voises, and I got the 1st part done so now I can get back to work. Anyways I got more stuff to do, and the flash won't be done in a while,
to anyone who read this may someone tell me how I can put a flash on youtube? I keep trying to convert but no progress
Ok then laters
Two things:
1-Why not com up with something original? Sprite flashes, let alone stuff about Mario and Sonic, are grossly overdone. Buy a decent flash program and come up with your own style and your own original ideas instead of recycling the characters someone else made and using the same generic plot line over and over again.
2-Learn to use proper Grammar and Punctuation. It disgusts me and angers me when I see people who post with such bad excuses for proper English. Here is a short list of things you could improve:
"takeing" is "taking" (no "e")
"pirson" is "person"
"i" is "I"
"voises" is "voices" (and "voise" is "voice" just so you know)
"te" is "the"
"sumone" is "someone"
"laters" is "later"
"makeing" is "making"
Please, for the love all that is Good and Awesome, take an English class or something-anyt5hing to see to it that you start writing like you want someone to take you seriously. If you write/type like a dumb ass then people will treat you like a dumb ass.
Latroy6 (Updated )
Dude you are the fastest reviewer I have ever seen, and ok I agree. If it helps you I will take more time in what I type down. As for the flash? Like 7 people already messed it up, at lest im doing somthing related to the real story! That, and I already started and the first scene done already so i might as well finish. I May do somthing more original afterwords, but i was starting a project to follow "peanutbutter dance party" (A flash I made not copying from another person). Thank you for the advice, I will keep it in mind in the next post.
PS: Just so I can feel better I knew what I typed down when I said "laters" its a way of saying bye.
Also, Im pretty sure there is no "5" in the word "Anything"